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Around 6% of global CO2 emissions are caused by humanity’s use of plastic. And we’re all familiar with the plastic pollution crisis. Although it exists to serve children, the toy industry is the most plastic-intensive in the world, with 90% of toys made from virgin petro-plastic – emitting so much CO2, we’d have to plant 1 billion trees to absorb it. 



Jiminy Eco-Toys is the world’s first eco-activist toy store. Jiminy empowers people to choose a climate-neutral, minimal-waste, plant-based / recycled / pre-loved / borrowed toy. It teaches science-based truths about sustainable products and sustainable living that apply beyond just toys. And founder Sharon is shaking-up the toy industry by role modelling that an entire toy store is possible without the made-far-away virgin petro-plastic, by educating and supporting toy makers and toy retailers to do better, and by speaking / organising to spread her vision and knowledge through the global toy industry. 



Since starting in 2018, Jiminy has sold over €2 million of carbon-neutral and minimal-waste toys, empowering over 15,000 unique customers to choose a gift that delighted both child and planet. Switching these purchases from a typical toy, to a carbon-neutral one, avoids over 100 tonnes CO2 per year – that’s like protecting 4,500 mature trees – reducing the carbon footprint of the consumer and protecting the planet. Sharon’s educational approach has influenced toy makers like Clara and Macy to change materials used and toy retailers to stock more sustainable toys (Jiminy supplies about 40 shops wholesale). She co-organised the world’s first sustainable plastic toys conference with 100 participants including LEGO, Hasbro, Mattel and the European Commission, in February 2023. Sharon was shortlisted for Image-PWC Businesswoman of the Year Award (Sustainability Champion category) in 2022 and won the Chambers Ireland Sustainable Business Impact Award 2022 (SME Category). Jiminy’s toys have featured on the Late Late Toy Show, the Irish Times Top 100 Retailers List, and RTE News. 


SEI Journey 

Impact Programme 2022

Shannon Keilthy is the founder of Jiminy Eco Toys








Impact Programme 2022