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Applying for a grant as a social entrepreneur!

Five tips for applying for a grant as a social entrepreneur!

Applying for a grant as a social entrepreneur can be difficult and take up a lot of your precious time. However, grants are essential for turning your ideas into reality, whether that’s getting your idea off the ground, scaling your impact, or developing new and innovative solutions. When done well, it gives your organization the resources to achieve its goals. Follow these five tips when writing your next grant application and see if it makes a difference! ➡️😊

1. Understand the grant criteria

Before applying for a grant, understand the specific criteria and requirements. Each grant will have its own set of guidelines, read through it carefully to meet the criteria.

2. Tailor your application

Tailor your application to the grant you are applying for. Address the specific goals and objectives and explain how your initiative aligns with them.

3. Be clear and concise

Keep your application clear and concise. Use simple language and avoid jargon. Highlight your key achievements and the impact of your organisation.

4. Provide evidence

Provide evidence to support your claims. Include data, statistics, and testimonials to demonstrate the impact of your initiative and your ability to deliver results.

5. Follow the instructions

Follow the instructions provided by the grant-making organization. Submit your application in the correct format and ensure that all required documents are included.

🔖 Remember this post for the next time you’re applying for a grant or programme! If you are a social entrepreneur and struggle to find the correct resources and support, know that you are not alone. There’s a growing number of supports for social entrepreneurs, whether it is through connecting with like minded people, accessing funding, or getting mentorship or coaching, there are resources to support you to create even greater impact.

View the supports available from Social Entrepreneurs Ireland to see if we could help you create more impact.

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